"This second issue «Explore» is about exploring, challenging and experimenting. Exploring oneself, sexual orientation, fashion, art, and how each one plays a fundamental role in this lifetime. This issue is big, both in matters of size and impact, since we want to stand out and leave footsteps in the otherwise commercial and consumer-based industry."
For et par dage siden modtog jeg anden udgivelse af Recens Paper, der er et ungdomsmagasin med fokus på ungdomskultur blandt andet i form af fotografi, mode og kunst. Det er startet af norske 15-årige Elise By Olsen, som også var med i opstarten af blogkollektivet Archetype. Jeg har kun skimmet bladet igennem, men jeg glæder mig allerede til at gå i dybden med de mange interviews samt nærstudere de flotte fotografier. Thumbs up for at vælge print-platformen, værne om det fysiske magasin og ikke dele jeres udgivelser online. Og thumbs up for at tage afstand fra overfloden af kommercielle og overfladiske mode- og kulturmagasiner. Køb Recens Paper lige her.
A few days ago I received the second issue of Recens Paper, which focuses on youth culture such as photography, fashion and art. I can't wait to read the many interviews and have a look at the amazing photographies. Thumbs up for choosing a print based platform instead of online based. Thumbs up for standing out in the commercialized world of culture. Buy Recens Paper here.
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