One of my biggest style icons is Simone Marchetti. He is a fashion editor at the italian daily paper La Repubblica, and is in my opinion one of the best dressed men in the world. I discovered him on Instagram a few months ago, where he shares his world of fashion with fashion shows, new collections, cultural experiences and food. But the most important is his impeccable style. He is amazing at mixing prints and materials, while always looking on point in everything he wear. I wish I had his wardrobe - look at that yellow, black, white and beige knit! It's so nice! Who are your style icons?

15. jul. 2014
One of my biggest style icons is Simone Marchetti. He is a fashion editor at the italian daily paper La Repubblica, and is in my opinion one of the best dressed men in the world. I discovered him on Instagram a few months ago, where he shares his world of fashion with fashion shows, new collections, cultural experiences and food. But the most important is his impeccable style. He is amazing at mixing prints and materials, while always looking on point in everything he wear. I wish I had his wardrobe - look at that yellow, black, white and beige knit! It's so nice! Who are your style icons?
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Kommentarer til indlægget
Han er simpelthen så dygtig. Så genkendelig med skarpe snit og ensartede farver i sættene. Jeg er helt forelsket i hans stil. Hvis jeg var en mand, ville jeg have en garderobe som hans. Basta. God sommer til dig, Emil.
SvarSletHilsen en blog-fan!
Ja ikke? Jeg er så enig. Jeg ville give alt for hans garderobe! Han er atlid et friskt pust til de til tider kedelige streetstyle billeder!
SletOg mange tak og i lige måde, også rigtig god sommer til dig!