Sometimes I really envy the womenswear business. I think there's so much more ways and options of dressing, and so much more is considered to be appropriate, than in the menswear business. I've been searching for a pair of neutral sneakers that fulfill all my wants and wishes: it has to seem luxurious, it should be made of premium quality materials, the design has to be minimalistic but still eye-catching, and mostly, it needs to be at a low price. Almost all the sneakers I've found so far has either been too feminine, too pricey or wasn't the design I wished for (except for the Common Projects. I would've bought them right away if it wasn't for the price). Luckily I found Axel Arigato which meets all my wishes! Every week they launch a new shoe. It's handcrafted, made of premium quality materials and the designs are perfect! The best thing? Sneakers costs only 140€ and slip-ons 155€. What's not to love? Which pair is your favorite?

17. jul. 2014
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I like all of them - but my real favorite is the ones with pony hair (in green och dark red).
SvarSletHave bought two pairs of shoes now - and the fit and quality is fantastic for that price. Will definitely buy more shoes in the future!
I agree! The slip-ons are so cool! I'm considering buying a pair of them too, but I'll wait a bit since I just ordered another pair from Axel Arigato. Good to hear about your opinions about the quality and fit - I can't wait for mine to arrive!