Today Copenhagen Fashion Week A/W 2014 is kicking off, and tomorrow it all official starts. I can't wait!!! Sadly, I'm only participating 1 day this season due to a big school project. I've got a bunch of great shows to attend - Barbara Í Gongini, David Andersen and Henrik Vibskov! Fashion Week is the best thing in the world - new friendships, fashion shows, beautiful clothing and people with the same interests as you. Anyone going?

28. jan. 2014
Today Copenhagen Fashion Week A/W 2014 is kicking off, and tomorrow it all official starts. I can't wait!!! Sadly, I'm only participating 1 day this season due to a big school project. I've got a bunch of great shows to attend - Barbara Í Gongini, David Andersen and Henrik Vibskov! Fashion Week is the best thing in the world - new friendships, fashion shows, beautiful clothing and people with the same interests as you. Anyone going?
Abonner på:
Kommentarer til indlægget
Er så misundelig! Ville ønske jeg havde tid og boede i KBH!
SvarSletTræls med SRO og skole :(
Men glæder mig til at se, hvad du har oplevet :D
Du må tage af sted en anden gang!